Blue Angel Artwork...

Jodi spent about 2-3 weeks creating this beautiful piece. Jodi had this to say "It was an honor for me to sketch her. As it is an honor for me to sketch other Spirit Guides and Angels. She is certainly one of my favorites, and one of the Angels I channel during my healing sessions.

Soul Retrieval Spirit Art If you are interested in getting a personal soul retrieval Spirit Art piece, please contact Jodi for more details.. She will need a photo of yourself, your d.o.b. and for you to answer a couple questions.. Cost: 9"x12" is $111. - 18"x 24" is $222

The Shape Shifting Guide This is one of Jodi's first Spirit Guide drawings. "I remember not understanding why I would draw her, but I just went with it. At the time, I had a wolf for an animal totem, but it wasn't until later I realized, Sheanu, and the wolf, were one in the same."

Jodi's most recent Oracle Drawing. Represents the Fruit of Knowledge. The man is Confucius and the Cat is the Animal Totem for Ragual, the person this drawing was made for. The Fruit pictured is Pomegranate. Please Take time to meditate and reach your buddhists roots.

Another Oracle card created by Jodi!! This piece will represent Strength in her finished deck...

Jodi would like you to know, some of the pieces you are viewing, have never been seen before, and are like parts of herself. Jodi has been working on developing an Oracle Deck for quite some time. Some of these pictures will be featured in her Oracle Deck. Each piece holds significant meaning, and represent many pieces of Jodi as well..