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Thank you for taking the time to inquire about ThetaHealing ® 

What an amazing journey it has been on my spiritual healing journey.  Since my journey began over 20 years ago, I found myself always searching for that one healing technique that would provide the healing needed for my clients.  This led me to exploring and training in various forms of Energy Healing. I am a huge advocate for holistic healing approaches but I found that some of my clients, did not heal. This led me on my quest for more answers.

I was first introduced to ThetaHealing® back in 1998 by my first mentor and instructor. When I asked about ThetaHealing®, she told me it was just another modality. She seemed to brush it aside, and told me to just focus on what training I had already had. So I focused on building my Reiki practice instead.  Over the course of years to come I always thought about ThetaHealing®. Having met and worked with various healing practitioners and teachers, I became very intrigued with this technique.  And it wasn't until I had a proper introduction to this energy healing meditation technique that I began to have a better understanding about ThetaHealing® and the many benefits it provided. 

I received this proper introduction in 2010 when a friend of mine, who was trained in ThetaHealing® came to visit me during one of my Reiki Clinics. During the time, he watched and learned and witnessed me facilitate. He later approached me and shared his thoughts about how I worked with Creator. He felt strongly that I was in Theta, and that he wanted to work with me. So we agreed and made an exchange and began trading healing sessions and teachings. 

At first I was hesitant about the form of healing.  But after a few sessions, I soon became hooked and knew that ThetaHealing® was my next step.  I became a ThetaHealer in October of 2013, training in various Thetahealing® Courses. I became an instructor in ThetaHealing® in June of 2017 and my journey is still continuing. 

In the time that I have facilitated ThetaHealing® I have witnessed countless miracles. From Neuropathy healing, to Tumors vanishing.  Each time, leaving me in total amazement of Creators healing power.  This is why I believe in this so much. So many of my clients have benefited from ThetaHealing(R).   Below is more information about ThetaHealing, and information on how you can book a ThetaHealing (R) Session for yourself. ThetaHealing can be facilitated in person or via phone or video session. 

ThetaHealing Sessions $125


Vianna Stibal 

Founder of ThetaHealing (R) 

ThetaHealing™ is a revolutionary healing technique that involves working with the highest Consciousness in the Universe. This experience is not based on any religion. All that is required is the acceptance that there is a higher Consciousness, which can work to powerfully transform your life. Using Direct healing from God, Our Creator and Quantum Physics, the practitioner initiates the healing on your behalf. The direct healing energy you receive can transform your physical body, emotions, traumas, and issues to allow you to live a life full of health, emotional 

balance and vitality! 


ThetaHealing™ was discovered in 1995 by a gifted healer and naturaopath, Vianna Stibal, when she miraculously healed herself of cancer. Author of "Go Up and Seek God" and "Go Up and Work with God",, Vianna has refined the Theta technique into a set of very powerful healing tools. She now travels internationally teaching her spiritual healing technique to practitioners around the world. 


Theta is the name that scientists give to the brainwave activity in the body that one achieves under a very deep meditation. The practitioner uses a variety of Kinesiology or body dowsing techniques to help access the subconscious mind, and lift the underlying core beliefs that hold negative belief patterns and blockages in place. These negative beliefs can cause mental, emotional and even physical blocks and illness. 


ThetaHealing™ Sessions are gentle and relaxing. Clients remain fully clothed sitting across from the Practitioner. Sessions last about one hour, or so after which you may feel lightness and energy shifts. The practitioner acts only as a 

catalyst and witness to your own personal transformation and inner healing. God is the Healer. 


ThetaHealing™ can help you change your beliefs to create more health and happiness in your life. It can help you to enjoy more love, joy and self acceptance. Identify and release old behaviors. Let go of limiting beliefs. Release Fears, Release Phobias, Anger. Activate Forgiveness and so much more.. 




  One Hour ThetaHealing......  $125


Scientific measurement of Brainwaves

Become a ThetaHealer

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