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Energy Healing Sessions

 Over the years, I have trained in various forms of hands-on-healing, including Reiki, Karuna® and New Paradigm Multidimensional Healing®. Which over time, has now blended into a powerful energy healing. Providing deep healing, relaxation and comfort to the body.  Blended with Crystals, Sound Healing and Aromatherapy, for the ultimate hands on healing experience.  


What to expect..  

During a session, the recipient will lay on a massage table, clothed. I provide, bolsters, pillows and blankets to assist your body in achieving optimal comfort for your healing session. I will then connect to your energy with a body scan and apply Crystals to areas of the body, where I feel the body is in most need.  Then call upon Creator, and the Angels and Guides to assist in the healing. Once. the healing energy builds I Then apply the Energy Healing, using a hands-on technique, to those areas of the body in need.

Recipients often describe the energy healings, as very relaxing.  Some experience waves of energy moving through the body, tingling and warmth radiating from my hands.  Recipients will often fall asleep, and report to experiencing a feeling of weightlessness.  Leaving feeling totally light and refreshed. 


Photo taken before a Private Candlelit Energy Healing at the Zen Loft. 

To date I have facilitated and worked with participants suffering with various Cancers, IBS Disorder, Crones, Diverticulitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle and Back Pain, Migraine Headaches, Joint Pain, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, BiPolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Trauma Work, PTSD, PCOS, Injury and Surgery Recovery and more. 

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Photo taken of Jodi St.Onge,


Cathedral Ledge NH

July 2015

Healing Modalities


What is Reiki


Dr. Mikeo Usui

Founder of Reiki


Dr. Hayashi

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Mrs. Hawaya Takata

Reiki is a Japanese form of hands on healing technique that works with the bodies natural ability to heal itselt. It's name Reiki, translate to mean Chi or Prana, is the Universal Life Force.This Universal Life Force is present within every living and non living thing on this Earth. As a practitioner, we believe that by tapping into this Universal Life Force, we can channel and direct this energy into the body, to promote overall health and wellness.  

Founded in Japan by a Japanese Monk named Dr. Mikeo Usui upon his quest to find the healing of jesus. Dr. Mikeo Usui was a Japanese Monk living in Kyoto Japan, when one of his students asked how Jesus healed his subjects. Unable to answer this, it is said that Dr. Usui then relingquished his position as Dean of the College and went on to study various forms of healing, in hopes to find the answers he seeked.  This led him to studying the Holy Writing, and Sanskrit teachings.  Still he was unable to find his answers, he went on a spiritual journey, to the holy mountain of Koriyama, where it is said, he fasted for 21 days and Nights.  It wasn't until his last day upon the mountain, he had a vision of symbols, lights and bubbles and the birth of Reiki began.  In his return back home, he had a sudden burst of energy and began his decent down the mountain.  He stubbed his toe and the pain was excrusiating, and instictually placed his hands covering his toes, and the pain suddenly went away. This is considered to be the first miracle of Reiki.  Later Dr. Usui went on to spend years working in asylums and went on to creating a clinic. This was later taken over by his closest collaborater Dr. Hayashi, a retired Naval Officer, he was trained and went on as Grand Master after the passing of Dr. Usui.  Dr.Usui's tradition of Natural Healing went on and made it to the America's by a Japanese Hawaian native Hawaya Takata, who became third in succession as Grand Master after Dr. Hayashi. Mrs. Takata is known for bringing Reiki to the United States. In her time as Grand Master, she created a Clinic located in Hawaii where she treated various illnesses and dis-ease of the body. Mrs. Takata passed the knowledge of Reiki on, and trained up to 21 Masters in the United States and Canada. This tradition has continued to this day, passing down the knowledge of Dr. Usui and his System of Natural Healing from Master to Student.  And Now is being practice all around the world.

Since then Reiki has evolved into a beautiful hands on healing practice that is now being widely used throughout the world in Private Practice, Hospitals and Hospice, and in Self care. It is recognized by the National Nurses Association of America as a valid form of healing that helps in promoting overall health and wellness throughout the body. 

Reiki is Gentle and effective in alleviating pain, stress, and activating healing throughout the entire body. Used to treat various illness and dis-ease of the body. As a practitioner, I have facilitated and witnessed powerful results with this technique. 


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Photo Above Reiki Master Teacher and student practitioner facilitating energy healing on a child.  Taken during a Children's Reiki Clinic in 2015. 

All Private Reiki healing sessions are conducted while the client lays fully clothed on a massage table that is adorned with blankets and pillows to aid in comfort. The client will then lay down under or over the covers while the practitioner facilitates Reiki, using a hands on healing technique. Those who experience Reiki will feel a variety of sensations in the forms of energy waves moving throughout their body, a warmth or cooling coming from the practitioners hands, a sense of tingling, and an array of emotions, like overwhelming happiness or love.  Those that come to receive will leave feeling lighter, and energized.


Karuna Reiki ®

Karuna Reiki ®

Karuna® is a Sanskrit word used in Hinduism and Buddhism. Karuna® is similar to Reiki in it's application, and is often used in conjunction with Reiki to promote deep spiritual healing.  It works by activating compassion, and through healing of the inner child. It is translated to mean, any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others, and could also be translated as, “compassionate action now.”  When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one.  Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action, Karuna, to everyone without distinction, because we are all one.  


Karuna is facilitated much like Reiki, with the client laying on a massage table. The practitioner then facilitates energy healing with various hand positions.  Here with Karuna, the practitioner is guided to connect deeper with the individual, and often conducts a soul retrieval for deep spiritual healing. Karuna Reiki is a very powerful form of healing, working with the soul, to heal past situations, as well as our inner child.. 


                     Forgiveness Healing............................ $85


New Paradigm M.D.T.


New Paradigm MDT, formerly known as Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is a frequency, of unconditional love, The Mahatma, the I AM.  This system, works with the energies of the Violet Flame and works to assist those in stepping into their own true mastery.  The system is a series of meditation and energy downloads to help to raise your vibration.  This healing frequency was founded by John Armitage, also known as Hari Baba, and is channelled information from the Multidimensional Masters and Ascended Ones.  This system assists by releasing energy blocks and beliefs that are filled with fears, release old karmic ties, and lift into the transformational energies of the violet flame. 

At this time the whole earth and humanity are making a multidimensional shift from 3D through 4D to 5D or higher.  Our physical bodies and light bodies are transforming,  in order to be able to hold more light. The shift and the vibrational increase are both caused by and are causing paradigm shifts throughout the world. We are undergoing a crystalline transformation, a vibrational transformation, a paradigm-shift transformation. We are part of a process that is on-going at this time, cause and effect intertwined, from our point of view.  And our point of view is expanding multi-dimensionally.

New Paradigm MDT Sessions are facilitated like Reiki Sessions, on a massage table. 


Sign up for my next upcoming NPMDT Basic Master Healer Course and become a NPMDT Practitioner, through the School of Esoteric Science.


Crystal Healing


The use of crystals, within a typical Reiki session, have been known to amplify the healing energies transferred from practitioner to client.


Every crystal holds its own unique vibration, assisting in different aspects of spiritual, physical, and emotional energies being applied during an energy healing session. The laying on of stones will help to boost the healing energies, as well as aid in the releasing of any emotional or spiritual blocks affecting the clients well being.


Crystals are also a great tool used in the balancing and alligning of the Chakra system. The main Chackra system consists of seven energy vortex centers that run the length of your body, starting at the base of the spine, and leading to the area just above the crown of your head. Each Chakra has its own difining color, and by placing coordinating crystals upon each energy vortex, this is said to aid each chackra back into its own healthy vibration. Once the Chakra system is alligned and at a healthy vibration this will reflect in the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects each Chakra relates to, healing the client on every level possible.

Sound Healing

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