Meditation is a great technique used for stress reduction, and for improving upon your over all health. Meditating has been shown to improve the quality of life for those who practice regularly. When the mind is healthy, the body is healthy! I'm sure you are cautious when it comes to avoiding physical injuries or sickness, by simply washing your hands or wearing a seat belt. Meditation can be seen as the minds seat belt or washing machine, much like the many rituals we perform daily, for our health and well being, meditating should be a part of your daily routine.
A successful meditation should result in your achieving a state of 'thoughtless awareness'. Reaching this zen like state allows you to release all the excessive stress producing activity in the mind. Allowing all of your tensions to release while relaxing on every level will do wonders for your mind, body, and spirit! Studies have shown those who participate in a daily meditation have a decreased amount of doctor visits, and use far less health care than those who do not.
Meditation Monday's at Blue Angel Healing will help you find balance and restore your energy! Each week a different practitioner comes in to offer unique guided meditations! These meditations often have been channeled with the assistance of angels, creator, multidimensional beings, star beings, ascended masters, and divine spirit! We offer an array of styles, with healing sound & music, as well as the use of crystals, and even shamanic journeys! Held the 1st 2nd & 3rd Monday of the month!