"The Bear"

Today’s message from Creator is delivered to us by “The Bear”. The Bear teaches us to go within. Like a bear in Winter, it is the perfect time to retreat to the Cave. There we rest through a long Winter awaiting the first signs of Spring. Like many of us here in the Northeast we are also feeling much like a Bear. Endless hibernating awaiting the snow to stop falling. The Bear brings insight and inner connection to our inner soul. It is here within the Winter months that we are forced to do our inner work. This inner work we do, clears and prepares the mind. This is our time to process old emotions and feelings. The information collected during these times lend insight to where we can grow and change. It is an opportunity to create, and shares with us knowledge of what lies ahead in the coming months as we emerge out from our Cave.

Today, I take refuge and find sanctuary within the confines of my own Cave and go within to connect to the Creator. Creator says “The time of Winter is now over. As warmer air travels up from the South and the Sun shines brighter and brighter, warming the Earth. The snow will melt, giving way to new found ideas and opportunities. Let us welcome in this new energy and prepare for greatness of love and abundance, that is to come as the warmer weather approaches. Here within the Cave, is a place of contentment. The Cave, is like my mind as I go within to connect to Creator. Here within this place I find inner peace, balance, and bliss. I have understanding of all things, and new ideas flood to my mind as I clear away old debris to prepare me for my new awaited journey. By connecting to Creator in this way, you will build a deeper connection with Creator and Mother Earth.
Many do not realize that this place within ourselves is the location of what many call The Master Gland. The Master Gland, also called the Pineal Gland connects us to “All” that there is. It is how we send and receive information from the Creator and can even use this to send and receive information to our loved ones. So if we are to become like “The Bear”, then this Winter has created a perfect opportunity for us to work on our inner connections. To work on our receiving and set into motion the new found ideas, and information that you received through this long winter. The many nights of falling snow and no where to go. This time, this Winter especially has given us this time to do all of this work. It almost seems so perfect, doesn’t it.
The Creator shines more light as I conclude my message to you. That you are all beautifully inspired Creators of your own destiny. Use this time to set into motion a new beginning for you to flourish, share and be abundant in. As the snow melts. Let it symbolize the melting of crystalized forms of fear, anger and pain that have anchored within your body. This melting will symbolize the melting and healing that is happening within, revealing to you a newly healed heart. Let it breath life into your newly awaited cells, your heart. Your heart, that is so open and pure of light that there is nothing in this world that can prevent you from being all that you are meant to be, other than you. So go within, and clear out that old stuff that no longer resonates with who you are. Let it be the jump start you need to get out there and BE YOU.

Thank you Creator for always guiding me and shining insight for all to benefit
Namaste ~ Jodi....