Blue Angel Healing Transforms!!!!
Blessings Everyone
What an amazing journey it has been since I began my journey in healing over 20 years ago. My journey has taken me to places spiritually that I never thought I'd reach. I have learned and experienced such amazingness and powerful healing. I have seen things that many have never seen. I have experienced profound healing, growth and sharing of love. Most of all, I have met the most amazing and wonderful people along this journey and each of them has played an intricate role in my evolution.
My first vision of Blue Angel came to me, years ago. I had a vision and saw this blue building with two peaks. I was told that it was there, where I would begin my journey. I drew out this picture in my mind in my journal and let it go. It wasn't until months later, that I would step foot into 40 N Main St. in Carver. I saw this small studio, that used to be a barber shop. There was sawdust on the floor and two by fours, along with other building materials. I stood in the middle of the room when the light shined down through the window and filled me. I knew then that this was the start of an amazing journey. Little did I know that when I began my healing journey that it would grow into what it has become now.
When I opened my studio in 2009 I had no idea what to expect. I had already been running healing clinics and classes in my area since 2003, and had established myself within the community. Not knowing how to run a business, I took that leap of faith and opened with nothing more than a card table and healing table. What did I know? I knew how to help others using the tools I had learned and acquired over the years; and so I did. Over the last few years, Blue Angel has now grown into an awesome healing center. A place where people can come to receive, feel support and unconditional love, feel empowered, heal and transform. I have been open and offered many years of clinics, and guided meditations and now have hosted several amazing and awesome healers and mediums from across the world.
I have always trusted in the Creator energies. I feel strongly that I have never been steered wrong, even when things didn't go the way I planned. This year has been a tough one. Filled with lots of changes, and some may say challenges within my studio. Between floods and crazy heating and electrical problems, I managed to keep things rolling away. Never did I think I would change Blue Angel. I always felt that those things that happened really were just incidents. Challenges, yes, and at times very very challenging, but I know how to go with the flow and understand how all things just teach us, and groom us for our next step. So, I continued plugging away always asking for guidance on my next step, and what I should do, to conquer some of the challenges that have come with having a studio.
It wasn't until this July, that, that step became very very clear to me. It came after I had a visit from my wonderful ThetaHealing instructor, Pamela Lord. She came to my center to teach another course in ThetaHealing. This was a class I had already taken previous, and was looking forward to enjoying another fabulous weekend with Pam. During the class, while receiving some downloads, Pam stopped the class, and shared that I was blocking the downloads. I thought to myself, how could that be. I had already taken this class, and I received. But it was true. After a few minutes of ThetaHealing with Pam, all was revealed, cleared and transformed and we went on to finishing the class.
The next day I called up a friend and decided that I needed some "River Time", and left to go kayaking. The the river was pretty shallow and while paddling the wind picked up, making my up river battle a little hard. It was then, that I decided to just let go for a while and see where the wind would take me. I drifted down river, and I slowly closed my eyes and connected to our amazing Mother Earth. The wind blew again and while in those moments of total peace and oneness, I heard, LET IT GO.
Shocked as to what I heard, I asked for clarification and I heard again, loud and clear. LET HER GO. CLOSE THE STUDIO and TRANSFORM. Now I have to say, that I have never even once considered closing my studio for any reason. Even with financial ups and downs, even with floods, even with electrical issues, or even heat issues. I always found a way, and Spirit always provided; and still does. But, things have gotten very tough and transformation is needed. I knew I wanted more. I knew I needed more schooling and my life was moving in a direction which required more time and for me to be less tethered. But still, I never even considered letting go of the studio. How could I. How can I continue my work and help others, if I have no place available to teach, and facilitate for my clients? Soon the tears began to flow as thoughts would flood in and out as to what I would do. I heard TRUST! And so I did and just kept hearing all will be revealed and shown.
So here I am, just about a month away from my lease date, and I have decided to take my next step. As of December 1st, Blue Angel Healing will be transforming and the studio will be closing down. I will then begin to offer my myriad of classes and events at awesome healing and wellness, and yoga centers in and around the area. I also plan on relocating to a new office, that will be perfect and right for me.
In the meantime, I plan on offering my services and have schedule classes all the way until the end of Nov, until my move out date on December 1st. It will be at that time that I will see clients privately from my newly renovated healing room inside my home, overlooking the pond, located in Plymouth. I also plan on taking a short break from teaching to enjoy the holidays with family. I will resume classes and events coming in 2017 at locations like The Heal Your Life Center in Plymouth, Villa Serra Creative and Spiritual Center in Middeboro, Cardinal Yoga Studio in Hanover, and Moonstruck Matildas in Norwell. I am also available for private parties and home sessions. I can't wait to share all of my amazing classes with so many more and continue my journey of helping others for many years to come.
For those of you who I have met along this journey, know that I truly love and cherish you and have been so blessed to have had the opportunity to work along side you and share in my special journey with all of you. I know that each of us, have our own special journey that is so special and so amazing. You all were such a big part of mine, and want you know how grateful I am to have met you, shared with you and learned from you. I look forward to watching all of my friends grow and shine, and see our world and community grow and expand in love. Our journey certainly isn't over. :D Life is forever evolving and changing. Im so excited for my next phase.
All upcoming classes and events are now being updated on my website and FB. As usual, I will continue to post daily about upcoming awesome events, sessions and information about healing and wellness. So check me out online or on FB for information on upcoming events and classes. For private sessions, message me. I look forward to seeing and connecting with you soon.
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